Just so you know....Crossfit is kicking my butt!! It is sooo draining, but honestly amazing. I am HOOKED!
Tuesday I went and we did this:
Power Snatch + Snatch (full squat): 1x70%, 1x75%, 1x80%, + 3 - rest 75 sec.
30 Box Jumps 30/26"
30 T2B
(Toes to bar - hang like a pull up and try to get your toes up to the bar)
20 Push Press 95/65
30 Situps
20 Row for Calories
30 Alternating Weighted Pistols 25/15 - plate
(These things suck. Basically one legged squats. with your opposite leg straight out in front. Supposed to use a 25lb weight too, but yeah right haha.)
30 Box Jumps.
Yeah....it only takes about 14 minutes to get all of this done, but when you're done...you're spent.
Then yesterday I went again.
5x1 Clean (full squat) & Jerk (split) @80-90% - rest 90 sec.
4x2 1&1/4 Front Squats - heavy, rest 60 sec
(the 1&1/4 sucked...you lift, squat, go up 1/4 of the way, squat down again then go up and then do it again.)
5 rounds for total working time of:
Sprint 400m
15 C2B Pullups
(Chest to bar pullups - yep, they're exactly what it says and they blow!)
*rest 2 minutes
I am still very sore haha. My abs, My arms, My Legs, My lats, I could go on on and, but mainly what this means is that it's working.
I also did calculated my caloric intake and how many calories I burn without doing anything. Just laying in bed all day I would burn 1900 calories. So that means being active I should eat about 3,000 a day. That's a lot!
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