Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One More Thing

Just because it's still funny!

Life Update

So I am officially done with winter semester! (as of Thursday evening) YAY!  I love being done with school.  Mainly for that instant stress relief.  Ever since school got out things have been amazing too!

After I finished my last test Thursday night,  which I'm pretty confident I aced ;], I zipped over to my place grabbed some things and then headed over to Midway to meet the family!  I love little family vacations!  I had a great time with the WHOLE family (a rarity these days for us all to be together).  Mike and Laci graduated and that was fun to go to as well.  Then we were all able to sit and relax in the condos, swim some, eat lots, and joke even more.  You know you're having a good time when security calls at 11:30 because they're "worried" about us.  No no, everything is fine, we're just really into this game! haha

This week has been pretty lazy.  It is my last week up in Utah for a while and I mainly stayed to work, but am only working like 3 days haha.

I had Monday and Tuesday off, so I decided that after 2-2 1/2 weeks I needed to get back on the Crossfit wagon.  Now I'm saying....OUCH!  I LOVE CROSSFIT, don't get me wrong, but boy o boy does it work me.  Just a little glimpse of what we've been doing lately.

w/ partner (while one runs the other is doing something else)
200m run - air squats
200m run - crunches
200m run - air squats
200m run - crunches
Then after the warm up we had Strength
5x 5 Push Press
Then the WOD
4 Rounds
25 KBS (Kettle Bell Swings)
10 Strict Pull ups
400m run
I don't know what it was, but this killed me and I was probably the slowest one there, also I got confused and started doing a fifth round and didn't realize it until I got down to my 7th strict pull up on that set. DOH

Tuesday was a good day for me because I pushed myself in weight and I felt really good overall
Warm Up
400m run
15 yards of Toy Soldiers
10 Rapid Toe Touches
400m run
15 yards of Toy Soldiers
10 Air Squats
10 Rapid Toe Touches
7x2 Deadlift Linear
 (Linear - which is no increase in weight, pick a weight and stick with it)
AMRAP 15 Minutes
AMRAP = As Many Rounds as Possible
10 Power Cleans
10 Butterfly Sit Ups
10 Hand Release Push Ups
I barely finished 6 rounds with 3 seconds left!

Today (Wednesday) 
Worked until 4 
(no breakfast and no lunch = terrible idea!)

When it came to Crossfit, I almost didn't go haha
Warm Up
2 Rounds
250m row
15 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Air Squats (5 second pause at lowered stage)
Tricep Rolls (1 Minute Each Side)
5x3 Front Squat (Linear)
4 Rounds
15 Goblet Squats (Squat with a 53lb kettle bell)
10 Games Standard Box Jump (Men 30" Women 24")
40 Double Unders

Anywho, I am seriously considering doing my first Half-Marathon as well as the Tough Mudder in October.

I will be moving back to Vegas for a bit this weekend (YAY!), but may have something else in store, but I'll get more into that as it comes nearer.

Big Changes are coming my way! What what.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012 funny!

So my friend just posted this on Facebook and I thought it was hilarious so I'm sharing it with you all.

I'm really against stereotyping, but I have come to the conclusion that the reason why stereotypical jokes are funny is because THEY'RE TRUE!

Friday, April 6, 2012

RAWWRRR this is how I feel today, but without a happy grin and more of a pained look from being sore.

Yeah, I'm still sore and I honestly have T Rex arms today because my biceps are so tense! I went to lift the toilet seat to pee and had to squat a little and bend over so my half bent T Rex arms could lift it open.  Yeah, it's bad haha.  Stupid pull ups are killing me!

And another thing.  DO NOT TRY AND DO ONE MORE BOX JUMP WHEN YOU KNOW YOU NEED A BREAK. Because if you do, you end up barely touching the sides of the box, slipping and rubbing the skin off your inner thighs and leave the weights on the box covered in a skin white powder.  Yes, ouch, haha. The pictures aren't that great, but they're pretty big bruises/rashes.

So unfortunately I did not go Crossfit yesterday or today. Stupid Work and School.  Why can't I just be a hood rat and do whatever I want all day.

Anyway, I'm kind of happy that I didn't go today. The WOD was "Death by Burpees".  Which I HATE!! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Crossfit Update

Just so you know....Crossfit is kicking my butt!!  It is sooo draining, but honestly amazing.  I am HOOKED!

Tuesday I went and we did this:
Power Snatch + Snatch (full squat): 1x70%, 1x75%, 1x80%, + 3 - rest 75 sec.
30 Box Jumps 30/26"
30 T2B 
(Toes to bar - hang like a pull up and try to get your toes up to the bar)
20 Push Press 95/65
30 Situps
20 Row for Calories
30 Alternating Weighted Pistols 25/15 - plate
(These things suck. Basically one legged squats. with your opposite leg straight out in front. Supposed to use a 25lb weight too, but yeah right haha.)
30 Box Jumps. only takes about 14 minutes to get all of this done, but when you're're spent.

Then yesterday I went again.
5x1 Clean (full squat) & Jerk (split) @80-90% - rest 90 sec.
4x2 1&1/4 Front Squats - heavy, rest 60 sec
(the 1&1/4 lift, squat, go up 1/4 of the way, squat down again then go up and then do it again.)
5 rounds for total working time of:
Sprint 400m
15 C2B Pullups
(Chest to bar pullups - yep, they're exactly what it says and they blow!)
*rest 2 minutes

I am still very sore haha. My abs, My arms, My Legs, My lats, I could go on on and, but mainly what this means is that it's working.

I also did calculated my caloric intake and how many calories I burn without doing anything. Just laying in bed all day I would burn 1900 calories.  So that means being active I should eat about 3,000 a day.  That's a lot!